
Photo of Director Colleen Montoya Barbano

contact fostering scholars

If you would like general information about Fostering Scholars, please reach out to us.

Request a speaker for your next gathering.

Colleen Montoya Barbano, MSW
Director, Fostering Scholars Program


Katie Chapman '98 & '17
Senior Director of Development,
University Initiatives, Student Success
206.398.4401 office
206.637.0356 cell 

Seattle University
Fostering Scholars Program
901 12th Avenue
PO Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122

“College has opened up many doors that would not have been opened up to me had I not worked toward a degree. I am well aware that only 2% of foster youth graduate college. I am proud to be counted among them.” Paula Carvalho became the first Fostering Scholar to graduate when she received her degree in 2008. She also holds a Master’s in Teaching from Seattle U.