
BG大游 welcomes 申请人 who have received their education through homeschooling experiences. 我们认识到,传统高中可能并不适合每一个学生. In order to maintain consistency in how we read 应用程序s from all students, 在家上学的学生必须提供额外的信息.

BG大游 招生 requires the following 应用程序 requirements in order to thoroughly evaluate whether homeschool 申请人 have met the necessary foundation of skills and academic credentials to be successful students at BG大游.


所有 一年级美联社就要, regardless of homeschool status, are 要求 to submit the following:

  • Completed Common Application with essay, 应用程序 fee, and writing supplements
  • 所有已完成或正在进行的课程的正式成绩单
  • 一位老师推荐
  • 辅导员推荐信/中学成绩单一份
  • BG大游是可选考试. I如果你想参加ACT或SAT考试 结果 被认为是你的 应用程序 您将在您的通用申请中注明这一点 并将被要求提交官方考试成绩 机构 

除了上面列出的一般申请要求之外, 一年级 homeschool 申请人 are also 要求 to submit the following 额外的 information by the 应用程序 deadline in order to have the 应用程序 considered complete:


1. 家庭学校问题

家庭学校问题 on the School Report form of the Common Application completed by the homeschool supervisor (the person responsible for education plan and overseeing instruction).

2. 官方成绩单

所有 官方成绩单,包括详细的官方家庭学校成绩单 由家庭学校主管签字. 家庭学校成绩单应该包括详细的课程描述, 文献使用, 以及每周最少的教学时间. 

Official transcripts are also 要求 for any 额外的 coursework completed or in progress in a non-home school setting, 包括传统中学, 大学, 大学, 或任何其他类型的学校,在那里获得或将获得学分. Official transcripts of all completed or in-progress coursework are 要求 from all original sources even if the homeschool transcript includes them. 

注意:这符合“正式成绩单”的要求 of 一年级美联社就要. Please also be aware of the minimum secondary school course requirements for all 一年级 申请人, found under "入学要求" on the 本科招生 website. 

3. 推荐信

一个 额外的推荐信 来自一个非亲属 (包括所有的要求 第一个年以上 申请人, 这意味着你将成为 提交 至少3封推荐信). 这是两封来自非亲属和一所学校代表的信咨询师的建议. 最好是这 额外的 推荐信将由有经验的老师提供 在过去三年内学习某一学科的学生. 如果家庭学校主管是唯一的老师和顾问,两个 额外的 推荐信仍然是 要求 from non-relative sources familiar with the student's academic quality, work ethic, and/or character. 

4. 评估

Homeschool 申请人 are 要求 to show 额外的 non-home-school-setting assessments in three academic areas: English, 数学 and laboratory science. 的 following options note the methods through which these assessments may be displayed.  

如果学生将SAT作为标准入学要求的一部分, 他们 必须用英语进行额外评估, 数学, and laboratory science (laboratory science constitutes natural sciences such as biology or chemistry but does not include social sciences such as psychology). 这可以通过以下选择之一完成:  

  • ACT成绩(推荐写作部分). 
  • AP test 结果 in math, 实验室科学 and either English literature or English language. 
  • IB考试的数学、实验科学和英语成绩. 
  • CLEP exam 结果 in math, 实验室科学 and either English literature or English composition. 
  • 每个领域至少有一门课程——数学, 实验室科学, 和英语-完成从传统的官方成绩单, 认可中学. 
  • 每个领域至少有一门课程——数学, 实验室科学, and English - completed with official transcripts from a regionally accredited college or university (includes 运行开始 credits at Washington State community 大学). 
  • A sufficient combination of options above showing assessments in English, math, and 实验室科学. 例如, an appropriate display of assessments could include an AP test score in English Language and Calc AB, and an official college transcript with credits in a 100-level Biology course. 

If the student took the ACT (writing portion recommended) as part of the stand第一年入学s requirements, 他们 must show 额外的 assessment in English and 数学. 这可以通过以下选择之一完成: 

  • 坐的结果. 
  • AP考试成绩包括数学和英语文学或英语语言. 
  • IB考试数学和英语成绩. 
  • CLEP exam 结果 in math and either English literature or English composition 
  • 每个领域至少有一门课程——数学 和英语-完成从传统的官方成绩单, 认可中学. 
  • 每个领域至少有一门课程——数学 and English - completed with an official transcript from a regionally accredited college or university (includes 运行开始 credits at Washington State community 大学). 
  • A sufficient combination of options above showing assessments in English, math, and 实验室科学. 例如, an appropriate display of assessments could include an AP score in Calculus I and an official college transcript with credits in a 100-level English course. 

Note: While taking both the SAT and ACT fulfills the above requirement for 额外的, taking either the SAT or ACT multiple times will not alone fulfill this requirement. 


For students who are applying test-optional to BG大游 and have been home-schooled for the majority of their high school career we will need to see: 

AP test 结果 in math, laboratory science and either English literature or English language. 

  • IB考试的数学、实验科学和英语成绩. 
  • CLEP exam 结果 in math, laboratory science and either English literature or English composition. 
  • 每个领域至少有一门课程——数学, laboratory science 和英语-完成从传统的官方成绩单, 认可中学. 
  • 每个领域至少有一门课程——数学, laboratory science and English - completed with an official transcript from a regionally accredited college or university (includes 运行开始 credits at Washington State community 大学). 
  • A sufficient combination of options above showing assessments in English, math, and 实验室科学.  


对于所有没有传统数字GPA的学生, 学业优秀奖学金的考虑将在很大程度上取决于 other aspects of the holistic 应用程序 review for the determination of merit scholarships.  

Homeschool students with grades from multiple institutions or school settings must submit official transcripts from all sources (see above). 计算的累积GPA将包括所有学术课程.